Monday, January 11, 2021

Spotlight on Newly Minted Emeritus Member Dov Shaked

Each year the AOCS Governing Board has the honor of approving long-term members for Emeritus status. Emeritus Members are those members who either meet qualifications for Retired Member and have completed 35 years of membership in the Society or are Retired Members who have served as a past President, won the AOCS Award of Merit winner or A.R. Baldwin Distinguished Service Award winner and have been accepted as an Emeritus Member with the approval of two-thirds of the Governing Board.

AOCS membership dues are free for the rest of Emeritus members' lives. 

In 2021, 16 long-term members achieved Emeritus membership, which serves as recognition for the hard work and dedication to AOCS. To close out the year, we will be spotlighting many of them. 

Meet Dov Shaked

A brief biography: Dov Shaked earned his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Soil and Water Sciences in the Faculty of Agriculture at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel.   

Dr. Shaked started his industrial activities in 1976 serving as a Research and Development Manager for Negev Ceramic Materials, a clay mining company in Israel. His activities focused on mineral processing and minerals beneficiation for the glass, ceramic, refractory and animal feed industries.    From the late 1980s to 2000 Dr.  Shaked served as a Senior Scientist and Research Director for Oil Dri Corporation of America. In these roles, he directed a research team to develop a family of unique adsorbents for the edible oil industry. He holds six US patents. From 2000 Dr. Shaked led all sales activities for Oil Dri’s  edible oil adsorbing products in the Sub-Saharan, Southern Africa and the Mediterranean regions. During this period he expanded the market for Oil Dri adsorbents in those regions.  

Dr. Shaked recently retired after servicing Oil Dri Corporation of America for more than 30 years.

Can you tell us about your current or past research?

My main research activities include the development of adsorbents for the edible oil industry, increasing our understanding of the surface chemistry of various clay minerals and their relation to the adsorption characteristics of the mineral, dry beneficiation of minerals by magnetic separation, rheological properties of montmorillonite and the effect of the adsorbing surface ions, and a focus on the use of clay minerals as a slow-release fertilizer for transition metals.      

What was your reaction when you learned you had been made an emeritus member?

Appreciation and many thanks!

Can you share your favorite memory or story from your AOCS membership?

My fondest memories of the AOCS annual meeting organized in Istanbul, Turkey in the 1990s.

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