At the 25th Session of the Codex Committee on Fats and Oils (CCFO) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 27 February to 3 March 2017, the Committee agreed to establish an Electronic Working Group (eWG) to be chaired by the United States with the assistance of AOCS, working in English, to prepare a project document for new work to amend the Codex Standard for Named Vegetable Oils [CODEX STAN 210-1999] to consider the applicability of the fatty acid composition of all oils in Table 1 in relation to their corresponding crude form.
The amendment would provide clarity to Codex member countries and the food industry in the trade of crude (unrefined) vegetable oils. The discussion paper, including a project document, will be prepared in time for consideration at the next session of the CCFO (2019).
The United States invites interested Codex members and observers to participate in the eWG and to provide the name, official title, and e-mail address of their representatives to the U.S Delegate to CCFO, Paul South (, U.S. Alternate Delegate to CCFO, Robert Moreau (, and the U.S. Codex Office Representative, Marie Maratos ( by July 28, 2017.
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Discussion Paper on the Revision of Limits of Oleic and Linoleic Acids in Sunflowerseed Oils in the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (Codex Stan 210-1999) (Agenda Item 10)
The Committee agreed to:
- Start new work on the revision of limits of oleic and linoleic acids in sunflowerseed oils and the associated definitions in Section 2.1;
- Establish an eWG, chaired by Argentina, and co-chaired by Brazil and the EU, and working in English only, to prepare the proposed draft revision of the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (Codex Stan 210-1999) for circulation for comments at Step 3 and consideration at CCFO26, subject to CAC40 approval of the new work.