Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Nutritional functionality and quality of plant-protein based food at the Plant Protein Science and Technology Forum in October


Join us online as we explore game-changing innovations in nutritional functionality and quality of plant-protein based food at the 2021 Plant Protein Science and Technology Forum, October 12—14. Live presentations will be followed by interactive panel discussions and the opportunity to view ePosters highlighting exciting new research from around the world. Register today!
Presentations include:
Improving Nutrition Through Biofortification: From Strategy to Implementation, Jenny Walton, Senior Specialist, HarvestPlus
Biofortification Strategies to Enhance the Nutritional Value of Food Crops with a Focus on Micronutrients and Proteins, Ismail Cakmak, Professor, Sabanci University, Turkey.
Assessment of Iron Bioavailability from Staple Food Crops, Raymond P. Glahn, Research Leader, USDA-ARS
Plant Derived Proteins - Game Changers? Luc JC van Loon, Professor, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Potassium as a Nutrient of Concern in Recent Dietary Guidelines, Connie M. Weaver, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Purdue University; CEO of Weaver and Associates Consulting LLC
Converting Vegetable Oils into Structural Fats by Enzymatic Glycerolysis, Alejandro G. Marangoni, Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Guelph, Canada

Friday, August 27, 2021

Ling Zhi Cheong, Ningbo University, China, and Thaís Lomônaco T. da Silva, University of Liege, Belgium, join the JAOCS editorial team

Ling Zhi Cheong and Thaís Lomônaco T. da Silva

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ling Zhi Cheong, Ningbo University, China and Thaís Lomônaco T. da Silva, University of Liege, Belgium, as associate editors of the Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (JAOCS), the flagship journal for original scientific research and technological advances on fats, oils, oilseed proteins, and related materials. 

Dr. Cheong is a professor and deputy director of the Department of Food Science and Technology at Ningbo University, China. She received her doctorate in food and enzyme biotechnology at Universiti Putra, Malaysia, and carried out postdoctoral research at Aarhus University, Denmark and Pennsylvania State University, USA. She was appointed as an assistant professor at Aarhus University, and worked as a senior scientist at Wilmar International Global R&D Centre before joining Ningbo University in 2015. Her research interests include green chemistry, biocatalysis and biotransformation, and biosensing technologies. She has published more than 70 papers and received numerous awards. She has been awarded 3 patents, with another 5 pending. 

Dr. da Silva is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Liege in Belgium. She received her doctorate in food technology at Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FEA UNICAMP) in Brazil and was a research scholar at the University of Utah, USA, before joining University of Liege in 2019. Her research interests are fat crystallization, high-intensity ultrasound, and oleogels. She has published 28 papers and received awards including the 2018 AOCS honored student award and 2020 AOCS Young Researcher European Section Travel Grant. 

 Welcome to our new associate editors! You can submit your research paper or review for the consideration of our editorial team at the JAOCS website and benefit from fast decision times (an average of 27 days to first decision), a broad readership, high impact, and accessibility. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Member Spotlight: Pierluigi Delmonte

Pierluigi Delmonte

Pierluigi Delmonte is a chemist at the US Food and Drug Administration, USA. He has been a member of AOCS for 7 years. In 2016, he won the Hertbert J. Dutton Award in the footsteps of his mentor, Pete Yurawecz.

How did you get involved with AOCS?

Although sometimes we may have flashback memories from the decades we spent as members of the AOCS community, sometimes it is helpful to close our eyes and remember the way we were. Yes…there was a world without Webex, Zoom, webinars, and even Youtube! Those days feel very far behind, but in reality, they are not. In those days we were frantically waiting for the AOCS Annual Meeting to get together with our peers and exchange our novel discoveries. 

In 2001, my first year as visiting scientist at the US Food and Drug Administration, my mentor Pete Yurawecz brought me to my first AOCS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. It was the CLA era, a research theme that made many leading lipid scientists extremely passionate. I recall that every talk was followed by intense discussions which continued in the corridors, and during every break between talks attendees quickly associated in small groups for fervent discussions. It was in that occasion that I was introduced by Pete to the many leading lipid scientists that later shaped my professional career. In the following 20 years it felt imperative to return every year and reconnect with the same community.

What is a memorable moment in your career?

It may sound cheesy, but an outstanding scientific discovery or novel study may not be deemed of such value unless it is recognized by the surrounding community. Don’t we measure the value of publications based on the number of citations? In 2002, during my second attendance to an AOCS Annual Meeting, in Montréal, my mentor Pete Yurawecz received the Herbert J. Dutton Award for his career achievements. At that time, I would not have fantasized that a decade and a half later, in 2016, my own work could also be recognized by the same prestigious award.   

What advice would you give to someone starting out in their career?

Contemporary society requires each of us to act like a leader and to excel above others. While those desires may later become true as we progress in our profession, pursuing them at an earlier stage may result in isolation and scientific solitude. In my 20 years of lipid research, I witnessed that the most remarkable discoveries required the joint effort of several bright scientists. In my opinion a network of dedicated collaborators is the most valuable asset a researcher may have, particularly when new to the scientific community. Besides…how much joy may you get from a stunning scientific discovery if you do not have anyone to share with the excitement from the daily progresses?

Member Spotlight: Dr. Zheng Guo

Dr. Zheng Guo
Dr. Zheng Guo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark. Check out his research group, Agro-Biotechnology Science!

Where do you work and what is a typical day like?

I work at Aarhus University, Denmark. A typical daily life is, besides the scheduled teachings, to discuss project progress with my Ph.D. students and postdocs. I also exchange ideas on new research topics with my colleagues and attend scientific seminars of interest.

What excites you about your work? What has been your most significant project?

When my efforts are awarded with new scientific findings and shared with and recognized by international peers. Discovery of new enzymes and innovative biotechniques to solve industrial and environmental challenges and contribute to societal sustainability.  

How long have you been an AOCS member, and how long have you been with the BIO Division? Have you had any other roles within AOCS?

I have been an AOCS and Biotechnology Division member since 2015. I have served as a session chair for many meetings as part of the AOCS Annual Meeting, an associate editor for the Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (JAOCS), and contributed to JAOCS and INFORM magazine.

How has AOCS helped you during your career?

AOCS has helped me to build an international peer network within the lipid biotechnology area.  

What do you like to do outside of work/AOCS?

I enjoy my relaxation time with my children and family.

Do you have any words of wisdom for other AOCS Biotechnology Division members?

The best policy to keep yourself everlasting young in this rapidly-changing-world is to stay with the young people, to challenge them and respond to their challenges.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Member Spotlight: Reed Nicholson

Reed Nicholson
Reed Nicholson is a PhD candidate in the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He has been a member of AOCS for six years. He has won both the 2021 AOCS Honored Student Award and 2021 Manuchehr (Manny) Eijadi Award.

Could you tell us about your current research and how you got started in this field?

My current research, for which I just completed my PhD, is focused on structuring liquid oils into solid fats using enzymatic glycerolysis to produce partial acylglycerols, which are naturally present in liquid oils at low concentrations. Structuring through this reaction takes advantage of the higher crystallization and melting points of the mono- and diacylglycerols relative to triacylglycerols, with no change in the fatty acid composition of the starting oil.

This work addresses two major challenges that the food industry currently faces. The first being to reduce the saturated fat content of solid fats which are commonly used as food ingredients, as saturated fat is necessary to provide structure to the lipid components of foods but is associated with negative health effects. The second challenge is related to the sustainability of formulating foods with tropical oils. Because of its high saturated fat content, palm oil is used in a wide range of food applications. Our research is also looking to produce a viable alternative to palm oil using liquid oils from domestic crops modified to have similar functionality to that of palm.

As an undergraduate student in the Food Science program at the University of Guelph, I began working with Professor Alejandro Marangoni in the Food, Health, and Aging Laboratory. My work at that time was focused on ethylcellulose oleogels and their potential use in food applications. During this time, I became very interested in the field of lipid physical chemistry and upon finishing my bachelor’s degree I took the next logical step and began pursuing a PhD with Professor Marangoni as my advisor.

You have won several AOCS awards, do you have any words of wisdom for our SCIG student members?

One quote from Tony Robbins that I really like is, “Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade.” This is very applicable to performing research. Research takes time and can be frustrating. It’s important to be patient and try to stay positive. There will be productive days and very unproductive days. Try not to be too hard on yourself when things aren’t going so well. Often, these unproductive days create the productive days. If you stay persistent and on track, good things can be accomplished over time.

How do you spend your leisure time during the pandemic?

I really enjoy spending my leisure time outdoors. Hiking with my dog and trail running happen to be two of my favorite activities and the pandemic has not put a stop to either. I also spend quite a bit of my leisure time reading, cooking, and playing guitar, and my baking skills have improved immensely.

What are your career goals and how has AOCS helped develop your career?

My career goal is to continue performing interesting and exciting research in an effort to improve the healthfulness of food products. The AOCS Annual Meeting has played a big role in my career development as it gives me with a yearly opportunity to present my research to experts in the field of lipid science. These interactions have provided me with valuable feedback on my work and have greatly improved my presentation skills and overall confidence as a researcher.

The Annual Meeting has also allowed me to build great connections and friendships with other researchers, and by attending the meetings I am able to learn from the best minds in lipid science and stay up to date on developments in the field.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Midweek Mixer: How to make the most of AOCS member communities

Discover your niche within the AOCS community. AOCS Divisions, Sections, and Common Interest Groups help you connect with colleagues solving similar challenges. Join host Matt Fhaner, University of Michigan-Flint, USA, and other AOCS members as they share how to get the most from these communities. Questions are welcomed and encouraged! Whether you are new to AOCS or looking to get more involved, you’ll leave with a better understanding of which community can help you in your career.

Registration is free and open to everyone.

Meet the Host: Matthew (Matt) Fhaner

Matthew Fhaner earned his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Michigan State University and then spent 10 months in a post-doctoral position working at the United States Department of Agriculture - ARS in Peoria, IL under the guidance of Dr. HongSik Hwang. He is currently an Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry and the primarily undergraduate institution of the University of Michigan - Flint where his primary teaching duties include a two-semester analytical chemistry series and acting as the Curriculum Coordinator for the general chemistry laboratory series.

Come with your questions and curiosity!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Shining the light on lipidomics

By studying the structure and function of the complete set of lipids produced in a given cell or organism and their interactions with other lipids, proteins and metabolites researchers are revealing the biochemical mechanisms of lipid-related diseases. 

Join Stephen Blanksby, Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and Karl Fraser, Food Chemistry and Structure, AgResearch, New Zealand to hear about the latest research in this exciting field.

Free online webinar, Wednesday, 8 September at 12pm, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). 

Register to attend: Shining the light on Lipidomics Tickets, Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite

Prof Stephen Blanksby Queensland University of Technology
Unknown unknowns in lipidomics: a de novo method for fatty acid discovery

Dr Karl Fraser Food Chemistry and Structure AgResearch, NZ
Application of Lipidomics through the food chain

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Explore the AOCS Career Center

 AOCS Career Center

No matter where you are in your career journey, AOCS is here to help find your next opportunity. We’ve launched the AOCS Career Center to help members of our community connect with industry and academic job openings.

Job seekers

The AOCS Career Center provides tools and resources for you to efficiently search and apply to jobs that will advance your career.

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Save time by using filters to only view the jobs most relevant to your expertise. Set job alerts so that you do not miss the chance to take the next step in your career.

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Log in using your AOCS credentials to create and upload your resume so that employers can match you to open roles. If you are not an AOCS member, creating an account is free.

Resumes can be set to public or private, giving you control over who sees your information.

Explore resources to advance your career

Explore articles on job searching skills to strengthen your ability to land that dream job. Learn how to:

  • Make your resume stand out.
  • Prepare for interviews.
  • Leverage your digital presence into job opportunities.
  • Negotiate salary and benefits once you have secured an offer.


The AOCS Career Center provides a platform for your company or university to connect with talented scientists and technologists in the AOCS community and beyond. Find candidates who can provide valuable and needed skillsets on your team.

Post and promote job openings

Job Flash and Recruitment packages help you reach thousands of scientists and technologists working in oils, fats, lipids, proteins, surfactants and related materials. Explore options that meet your needs and budget.

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Search resumes posted by job seekers using keywords and filters by location. Browse potential candidates.

For questions, email Janet Cheney, Director, AOCS Membership, at janet.cheney@aocs.org.