Travel Grants Available
The European Section, Industrial Oil Products Division, Protein and Co-Products Division, and Surfactants and Detergents Division all offer funding assistance through travel grants to attend the AOCS Annual Meeting.
Please visit the respective webpages for guidelines on available programs.
Thomas H. Smouse Memorial Fellowship Now Open for Nominations
The Smouse Fellowship includes a $15,000 scholarship and is awarded to a graduate student doing research in areas of interest to AOCS. Primary qualifications include the highest standards of academic excellence and the reasonable expectation that the recipient, upon receipt of the degree, will enter into and make significant contributions to the field consistent with the goals and interests of AOCS.
Application materials are due February 2, 2015.
Visit the website for more information on nomination requirements and how to apply.
AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists Announce Collaborative Programming
AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) are developing collaborative programming targeted for the cosmetic industry for the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases in Orlando, Florida, May 3–6, 2015. The societies acknowledge the importance of sharing technology, information, and analytical methods for the development of cosmetics and personal care products; and providing new avenues for professional development for members of both societies.
Four AOCS Divisions are working closely with SCC members to develop three joint sessions for the Annual Meeting which include Surfactants: Cosmetic Science; Strategies in Advanced Utilization of Proteins and Peptides; and Lipid Oil and Skin Health. Session descriptions are available on the website now and presentation titles will be added in January as the sessions are finalized.
In addition, the Surfactants and Detergents Division is co-organizing a one-day Short Course with SCC titled, Novel Cosmetic Surfactant Systems and Their Design.
“By working together, the societies will provide opportunities for their members to reach out, exchange information, and collaborate with other related-industry professionals,” said David Smith, Executive Director, SCC. “It is critical to have those connection points as our industries expand globally.” Read more… (.pdf)
Division Elections are Right Around the Corner!
In January, all members of AOCS Divisions will receive a "Call for Candidates" email, requesting nominations for Division Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer positions. Please begin considering whom you wish to see in these leadership positions for your Division. The term of office is one year, however, a member may serve in an office for three consecutive terms. Self-nominations are welcome. Election ballots will then be emailed in February. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Garard.
AOCS Press News - New! Author Resource
If you know an author who could use assistance with English editing or one who needs to learn more about the peer review process, then direct them to the AOCS Author Academy. This new site, developed by our publishing partner Springer, includes resources and online courses for AOCS members and authors to increase their knowledge on topics such as publishing journal articles, peer review, open access publishing, and more.
→AOCS Meeting Updates
The European Section, Industrial Oil Products Division, Protein and Co-Products Division, and Surfactants and Detergents Division all offer funding assistance through travel grants to attend the AOCS Annual Meeting.
Please visit the respective webpages for guidelines on available programs.
Thomas H. Smouse Memorial Fellowship Now Open for Nominations
The Smouse Fellowship includes a $15,000 scholarship and is awarded to a graduate student doing research in areas of interest to AOCS. Primary qualifications include the highest standards of academic excellence and the reasonable expectation that the recipient, upon receipt of the degree, will enter into and make significant contributions to the field consistent with the goals and interests of AOCS.
Application materials are due February 2, 2015.
Visit the website for more information on nomination requirements and how to apply.
AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists Announce Collaborative Programming
AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) are developing collaborative programming targeted for the cosmetic industry for the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases in Orlando, Florida, May 3–6, 2015. The societies acknowledge the importance of sharing technology, information, and analytical methods for the development of cosmetics and personal care products; and providing new avenues for professional development for members of both societies.
Four AOCS Divisions are working closely with SCC members to develop three joint sessions for the Annual Meeting which include Surfactants: Cosmetic Science; Strategies in Advanced Utilization of Proteins and Peptides; and Lipid Oil and Skin Health. Session descriptions are available on the website now and presentation titles will be added in January as the sessions are finalized.
In addition, the Surfactants and Detergents Division is co-organizing a one-day Short Course with SCC titled, Novel Cosmetic Surfactant Systems and Their Design.
“By working together, the societies will provide opportunities for their members to reach out, exchange information, and collaborate with other related-industry professionals,” said David Smith, Executive Director, SCC. “It is critical to have those connection points as our industries expand globally.” Read more… (.pdf)
Division Elections are Right Around the Corner!
In January, all members of AOCS Divisions will receive a "Call for Candidates" email, requesting nominations for Division Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer positions. Please begin considering whom you wish to see in these leadership positions for your Division. The term of office is one year, however, a member may serve in an office for three consecutive terms. Self-nominations are welcome. Election ballots will then be emailed in February. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Garard.
AOCS Press News - New! Author Resource
If you know an author who could use assistance with English editing or one who needs to learn more about the peer review process, then direct them to the AOCS Author Academy. This new site, developed by our publishing partner Springer, includes resources and online courses for AOCS members and authors to increase their knowledge on topics such as publishing journal articles, peer review, open access publishing, and more.
→AOCS Meeting Updates
106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases | May 3–6,
2015 | Orlando, Florida, USA
Submit your abstract! The meeting will
feature invited/volunteer oral and poster presentations. Review interest areas, submission guidelines, evaluationcriteria, and submit.
Interested in organizing a symposium? The Hot Topics Symposia will feature global discussions on new technologies, innovative research, regulation updates, and other current critical issues. Review guidelines and submit your session proposal today.
January 2015: Registration and housing opens
February 2, 2015: Final abstracts due
March 6, 2015: Final Hot Topic proposals due
Interested in participating in the Industry Showcases or becoming a Sponsor? Contact Christina Waugh, +1 217-693-4901.
Interested in organizing a symposium? The Hot Topics Symposia will feature global discussions on new technologies, innovative research, regulation updates, and other current critical issues. Review guidelines and submit your session proposal today.
January 2015: Registration and housing opens
February 2, 2015: Final abstracts due
March 6, 2015: Final Hot Topic proposals due
Interested in participating in the Industry Showcases or becoming a Sponsor? Contact Christina Waugh, +1 217-693-4901.
SODEOPEC2015 | October 27-30, 2015 | Miami, Florida, USA
industry experts and professionals from around the world in reviewing the most
current developments in the evolving landscape of Soaps, Detergents, Oleochemicals, and Personal Care. The
conference, organized by AOCS and Happi,
will take place October 27-30, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Miami. Registration
will open in April 2015, visit for more details.
→Upcoming Industry Meetings
28th Nordic Lipidforum Symposium | June 3-6, 2015 |
Reykjavik, Iceland
28th Nordic Lipidforum Symposium will be held at the Radisson Saga Hotel in
Reykjavik, Iceland. The scientific program will emphasize omega-3 fatty acids
including their health benefits, sources and processing development. For more
details please visit
World Congress on Oils and Fats and the 31st ISF LectureshipSeries | October 31-November 4, 2015 | Argentina
Congress and Lectureship Series will be held in November 2015, under the slogan
"Evolution, innovation and challenges towards a sustainable future."
The event will provide a forum in which attendees can exchange information and
bring themselves up to date on the development of products, technologies,
research, and experiences that are occurring at a global level in the field of
fats and oils. Learn more.
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