Friday, May 22, 2015

Articles from JAOCS: Open Access and Editor's Pick

Springer has made it simple to view JAOCS Open Access articles by creating an online collection. Bookmark and view all articles by clicking this link.

In the Editor's Pick this month, JAOCS Senior Associate Editor Rick Ashby, describes the production and characterization of unique polyurethane coatings derived from monoglycerides of neem oil. The results demonstrated that the polyurethane coatings exhibited good properties – better than some commercially available materials – and thermal stability, proving that neem oil has good potential as a renewable precursor for polyol production. The article is available for free download through July 18.

Stay up-to-date with Table of Contents alerts for JAOCS!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Defining the BEST Extraction. Transition in Testing Technology

Dr. John MacKay has written several short articles on how to determine the “BEST” extraction.  This one is focused on defining the key techniques used for testing for the major cannabinoids and the reasons for the exponential growth in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography as an analytical and purification/isolation tool.  Testing of medical marijuana throughout the process from seed to shelf needs more harmonization of the compound standards and development to standard operating procedures.  Along with the pioneering work of Dr. Chris Hudalla (ProVerde Labs) sited in Dr. MacKay’s article and previous article by Ms. Heather Despres (CannLabs) in May, 2014 INFORM  (, AOCS is proactively taking a leadership role in defining the testing procedures.  This is being led by Dr. Cynthia Ludwig.

Read 'Defining the BEST Extraction. Transition in Testing Technology'

Friday, May 15, 2015

May Inform Now Available. Read the Features FREE!

Take a look at this month's issue!  Our new digital edition gives you easier access!

Bookmark this link for access to the most current issue:

And this link will give you access to all available editions:


Use of spent bleaching earth for economic and environmental benefit
Mixing spent bleaching earth with salt can eliminate the risk of spontaneous combustion while providing a high-demand product for livestock.

Glycerolysis pretreatment of high FFA feedstocks
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of glycerolysis pretreatment with those of other pretreatment approaches.

Evolving co-products from the ethanol industry
As the value of co-products increases, ethanol plants are diversifying their portfolios and becoming less reliant on profits from ethanol.

Algae secrets: How to harvest microalgae for applications worldwide
A new harvesting technology uses electric pulses to remove solids, de-water, and concentrate micro-algae at the commercial scale.

Ultra oil-producing sugarcane and sweet sorghum
Sugarcane that has been genetically modified to produce oil can produce 10 times more biodiesel per hectare than soybeans.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Free: Read Inform magazine in full every month!

Here is some exciting news: We are now delivering the entire digital issue of Inform magazine free of charge! In addition, Inform magazine has a new and improved format with better readability from any computer or handheld device via web browser or app. You can view back issues, share the entire magazine, or clip and share individual articles. The app can be found in the Apple and Google Play stores by searching on “AOCS Inform.” The May issue presents articles on oil from sugarcane, a value-added product from spent bleaching earth, pretreatment of high-FFA feedstocks, how to harvest microalgae, surfactants processing advances, and more.

Be sure to visit and bookmark the Inform website to view back issues and to learn about advertising opportunities. Lastly, we encourage you to email feature and other content ideas to Inform’s Managing Editor, Kathy Heine at  Thank you, and please enjoy the free and improved digital edition of Inform magazine!

Janet S. Brown
AOCS Press
Director, Content Development

Did you present at the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases?

Both oral and poster presenters are invited to upload their presentations to inform|connect. Continue the conversation about your research and make contact beyond those that attended your session by posting your presentation on this innovative platform.

What is inform|connect?
You spoke, we listened!

You told us you need a place to connect with peers, as well as access content relevant to your interests. So we have created inform|connect—a global information portal designed to facilitate the exchange of information and provide solutions to real-world challenges.

inform|connect allows you to:
  • Connect and communicate with experts in the biobased community
  • Participate in niche discussion groups
  • Take advantage of the industry knowledgebase
  • Gain access to document and digital libraries
  • Access a comprehensive member directory

How do I upload my presentation?

Simply login with your AOCS credentials or create a free account. Don't forget to complete your profile. The information you provide will allow you to make business and research connections based upon your interests. The more you share, the easier it will be to make connections.

There are numerous ways in which to upload your presentation and connect with peers.Please see an instruction document below.As you use this new platform please let us know how it works for you and what you would like to see more of. Please email Amy Lopez with any feedback or suggestions.


Contact Amy Lopez ( | +1-217-693-4836)

Visit and get started!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases PHOTOS!

As the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting draws to a close it is evident by the photos that a great time was had by all. Photos from the meeting will continue to be posted on our Facebook page ( Here are a  few for you to enjoy!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Tuesday May 5th

Tuesday is a day to learn and honor! We have numerous technical sessions, Award Lectures and our Awards Plenary and Business Meeting.

-Tuesday, May 5-

Awards Plenary and Business Meeting 11:00 am – 12:45 pm | Gatlin C

Join us as we recognize the achievements of AOCS members and hear what Society leaders are planning for the year ahead. AOCS President Steven Hill and AOCS Vice President Manfred Trautmann will each deliver a brief address, Society and Scientific awards will be presented, and routine AOCS business will be handled.

The Supelco/Nicholas Pelick–AOCS Research Award lecture and Stephen S. Chang Award lecture will be presented as part of the session.

Lawn Party   6:00 – 7:30 PM | Recreation Lawn and Patio Area

Develop important connections with other industry professionals from around the world in a friendly, casual environment.  This networking reception takes place on Rosen Shingle Creek’s recreation lawn and adjoining patio. Kick off your shoes, roll up your sleeves and round up a few colleagues for a rousing game of sand volleyball! Other games may include badminton, croquet, bocce ball, and bag toss.  All Annual Meeting full-conference attendees, and Tuesday-only registrants, are invited to this networking event, which features delicious hors d’ oeuvres and a variety of beverages.

AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Quick Links

Contact your blogger Amy Lopez at (or stop by AOCS Information Services in the the Butler Room) to share Annual Meeting news and photos. I might even give you a prize!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Enjoy Orlando on us Monday night!

If you are attending the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases we invite you to explore Orlando. Monday May 4th will be offering a FREE shuttle (you must bring your name badge!) to Pointe Orlando. The shuttle will leave from the transportation lobby and will run 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Pointe Orlando boats several dining, shopping and entertainment options. Find out more here.

Want to see even more of Orlando?
The Official Visitor Center of Orlando sells discounted theme park and attraction tickets and provides currency exchange services. The friendly, multi-lingual staff can assist with questions in person or via telephone at (407) 363-5872.  Additional resources: interactive map, listings of events and free things to do, and on-the-go guides to theme parks, Orlando airports, restaurant, and more.

AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Quick Links

Contact your blogger Amy Lopez at (or stop by AOCS Information Services in the the Butler Room) to share Annual Meeting news and photos. I might even give you a prize!

Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Monday May 4th

Monday is a busy day at the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases!

I hope you will enjoy the new Campus format -it you are not already familiar please check your printed program or view this webpage.

Start your day with one of the Hot Topic Symposia or a Special Session. Then join us for the AOCS Career Fair 2:00 – 1:15 PM and 5:00 – 6:00 PM in Butler. You will then have the evening to enjoy Orlando. Complimentary shuttles (with AOCS name badge) will run from 6:00 pm -10 pm.

  • Fill out your profile on The App for a chance to win an iPAD Air*
  • Get your FREE Souvenir photo in the Butler room from 9:00 am -6:00 pm
AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Quick Links

Contact your blogger Amy Lopez at (or stop by AOCS Information Services in the the Butler Room) to share Annual Meeting news and photos. I might even give you a prize!

* To qualify for the iPad Air drawing, your attendee profile must be activated on The App by 9:00 AM (Eastern) on Tuesday, May 5 and feature either your photo or short biography. The winner will be announced during the Awards Plenary and Business Meeting on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 11:00 AM in Gatlin C. You must be present to win.

Coming to Annual Meeting? Want to WIN an iPAD Air? Here's how!

Access The App, AOCS’ new mobile event guide to search presentations and customize your Annual Meeting itinerary. Don’t forget to activate your attendee profile on The App for your chance to win an iPad Air!

To qualify for the iPad Air drawing, your attendee profile must be activated on The App by 9:00 AM (Eastern) on Tuesday, May 5 and feature either your photo or short biography. The winner will be announced during the Awards Plenary and Business Meeting on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 11:00 AM in Gatlin C. You must be present to win. 

Questions? Need Help?

Come see me (Amy Lopez) in the Butler Room or email I loo9k forward to helping use The App to build your itinerary as well as network with colleagues!

AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Quick Links

Contact your blogger Amy Lopez at (or stop by AOCS Information Services in the the Butler Room) to share Annual Meeting news and photos. I might even give you a prize!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases Sunday May 3rd

Welcome to the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases!

We are excited to introduce you to the new 'Campus' format as well as the Industry Showcases. (Find out more about the new format here.)

Get Started
  • Pick up your registration materials in the Gatllin Foyer from 10:00 am- 7:30 pm
  • The Bookstore | Career Center | Information Services | inform|connect | Silent Auction | Souvenir Photo Center is open from 5:00 pm =7:30 pm in the Butler room. Please stop in and say hello!
  • Remember to fill out your profile on The App for a chance to win an iPAD Air!
  • Get your FREE Souvenir photo in the Butler room from 5:00 pm -7:30 pm


-Sunday, May 3- 

Student Common Interest Group Meet-and-Greet 4:455:30 PM| ST. John's 28
Meet fellow students and hear how to make the most of your conference experience. Learn what to do before, during and after the Annual Meeting to maximize the impact of professional development. This informal event is open to all student attendees and those interested in networking with this group.

President’s Welcome Reception 5:307:00 PM | Butler 
Reconnect with colleagues, network with new business contacts, and meet with the Industry Showcase partners during this reception on the beautiful outdoor Gatlin Terrace.  All Annual Meeting full-conference attendees and Short Course registrants are invited to this evening networking event, which features plenty of hors d’ oeuvres and beverages.

Young Professionals’ Common Interest Group Reception 7:00 – 8:00 PM | Osceola Courtyard
Attending the AOCS Annual Meeting is an investment in your job, your career and your industry knowledge.  Make the most of your Annual Meeting experience and start developing important professional connections now!  This evening networking event is open to those new to the profession and those interested in networking with this group.

AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Quick Links

Contact your blogger Amy Lopez at (or stop by AOCS Information Services in the the Butler Room) to share Annual Meeting news and photos. I might even give you a prize!

Friday, May 1, 2015

AOCS Annual Meeting: Tips for Success

The 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases is only a few days away!  Here are our top four tips to make the most of your time in Orlando:

1.   Build your itinerary now!
  • Access The App, AOCS’ new mobile event guide to search presentations and customize your Annual Meeting itinerary. Don’t forget to activate your attendee profile on The App for your chance to win an iPad Air!*
  • Interested in attending a session presented by The Society of Cosmetic Chemists?  SCC sessions are included in The App, or you can view their entire line-up of sessions at

2.    Preview abstracts early!
  • View abstracts on The App, or access printer-friendly versions on the attendee only webpage.  In a responsible effort to encourage sustainability, the abstracts will only be available electronically.

3.    Start networking today!
  • Connect with other Annual Meeting attendees on The App, or access the traditional list of registered attendees on the attendee only webpage.

4.    Pack the essentials!
  • The Tuesday night reception is outdoors, and casual attire is encouraged!  We hope you’ll enjoy this fun evening of sand volleyball, basketball, bag toss, and ladder ball.
  • Don’t forget to pack a donation to the Annual Meeting Toy Drive!  All donations will benefit the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando. 

Orlando Forecast
May 3 Mostly Sunny High 86°F / 30°C Low 66°F / 19°C
May 4 Mostly Sunny High 86°F / 30°C Low 68°F / 20°C
May 5 Mostly Sunny High 87°F / 31°C Low 70°F / 21°C
 May 6 Sunny High 90°F / 32°C Low 70°F / 21°C
Orlando Information
The Official Visitor Center of Orlando sells discounted theme park and attraction tickets and provides currency exchange services. The friendly, multi-lingual staff can assist with questions in person or via telephone at (407) 363-5872.  Additional resources: interactive map, listings of events and free things to do, and on-the-go guides to theme parks, Orlando airports, restaurant, and more.

Visit the Travel Notes webpage for additional notes on airport transportation, suggested conference attire, and more.  We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!

Watch the Blog for Important Information
I will be posting the day's events, links as well as contests and promotions. Any important updates regarding the AOCS Annual Meeting will be posted on the AOCS blog so please check back!

AOCS Annual Meeting & Industry Showcases Quick Links

Contact your blogger Amy Lopez at (or stop by AOCS Information Services in the the Butler Room) to share Annual Meeting news and photos. I might even give you a prize!

* To qualify for the iPad Air drawing, your attendee profile must be activated on The App by 9:00 AM (Eastern) on Tuesday, May 5 and feature either your photo or short biography. The winner will be announced during the Awards Plenary and Business Meeting on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 11:00 AM in Gatlin C. You must be present to win.