Friday, May 15, 2015

May Inform Now Available. Read the Features FREE!

Take a look at this month's issue!  Our new digital edition gives you easier access!

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Use of spent bleaching earth for economic and environmental benefit
Mixing spent bleaching earth with salt can eliminate the risk of spontaneous combustion while providing a high-demand product for livestock.

Glycerolysis pretreatment of high FFA feedstocks
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of glycerolysis pretreatment with those of other pretreatment approaches.

Evolving co-products from the ethanol industry
As the value of co-products increases, ethanol plants are diversifying their portfolios and becoming less reliant on profits from ethanol.

Algae secrets: How to harvest microalgae for applications worldwide
A new harvesting technology uses electric pulses to remove solids, de-water, and concentrate micro-algae at the commercial scale.

Ultra oil-producing sugarcane and sweet sorghum
Sugarcane that has been genetically modified to produce oil can produce 10 times more biodiesel per hectare than soybeans.

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