Tuesday, December 23, 2014

AOCS Newsletter December 2014 Highlights

Travel Grants Available

The European Section, Industrial Oil Products Division, Protein and Co-Products Division, and Surfactants and Detergents Division all offer funding assistance through travel grants to attend the AOCS Annual Meeting.

Please visit the respective webpages for guidelines on available programs.

Thomas H. Smouse Memorial Fellowship Now Open for Nominations

The Smouse Fellowship includes a $15,000 scholarship and is awarded to a graduate student doing research in areas of interest to AOCS. Primary qualifications include the highest standards of academic excellence and the reasonable expectation that the recipient, upon receipt of the degree, will enter into and make significant contributions to the field consistent with the goals and interests of AOCS.

Application materials are due February 2, 2015.

Visit the website for more information on nomination requirements and how to apply.

AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists Announce Collaborative Programming

AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) are developing collaborative programming targeted for the cosmetic industry for the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases in Orlando, Florida, May 3–6, 2015. The societies acknowledge the importance of sharing technology, information, and analytical methods for the development of cosmetics and personal care products; and providing new avenues for professional development for members of both societies.

Four AOCS Divisions are working closely with SCC members to develop three joint sessions for the Annual Meeting which include Surfactants: Cosmetic Science; Strategies in Advanced Utilization of Proteins and Peptides; and Lipid Oil and Skin Health. Session descriptions are available on the website now and presentation titles will be added in January as the sessions are finalized.

In addition, the Surfactants and Detergents Division is co-organizing a one-day Short Course with SCC titled, Novel Cosmetic Surfactant Systems and Their Design.
“By working together, the societies will provide opportunities for their members to reach out, exchange information, and collaborate with other related-industry professionals,” said David Smith, Executive Director, SCC. “It is critical to have those connection points as our industries expand globally.” Read more… (.pdf)

Division Elections are Right Around the Corner!

In January, all members of AOCS Divisions will receive a "Call for Candidates" email, requesting nominations for Division Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer positions. Please begin considering whom you wish to see in these leadership positions for your Division. The term of office is one year, however, a member may serve in an office for three consecutive terms. Self-nominations are welcome. Election ballots will then be emailed in February. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Garard.

AOCS Press News - New! Author Resource
If you know an author who could use assistance with English editing or one who needs to learn more about the peer review process, then direct them to the AOCS Author Academy. This new site, developed by our publishing partner Springer, includes resources and online courses for AOCS members and authors to increase their knowledge on topics such as publishing journal articles, peer review, open access publishing, and more. 

AOCS Meeting Updates

AM15_Logo_90106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases | May 3–6, 2015 | Orlando, Florida, USA
Submit your abstract! The meeting will feature invited/volunteer oral and poster presentations. Review interest areas, submission guidelines, evaluationcriteria, and submit.

Interested in organizing a symposium? The Hot Topics Symposia will feature global discussions on new technologies, innovative research, regulation updates, and other current critical issues. Review guidelines and submit your session proposal today.

January 2015: Registration and housing opens
February 2, 2015: Final abstracts due
March 6, 2015: Final Hot Topic proposals due

Interested in participating in the Industry Showcases or becoming a Sponsor? Contact Christina Waugh, +1 217-693-4901.

SOD2015SODEOPEC2015 | October 27-30, 2015 | Miami, Florida, USA
Join industry experts and professionals from around the world in reviewing the most current developments in the evolving landscape of Soaps, Detergents, Oleochemicals, and Personal Care. The conference, organized by AOCS and Happi, will take place October 27-30, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Miami. Registration will open in April 2015, visit sodeopec.aocs.org for more details.

Upcoming Industry Meetings
IndustryEventBtn-eNews28th Nordic Lipidforum Symposium | June 3-6, 2015 | Reykjavik, Iceland
The 28th Nordic Lipidforum Symposium will be held at the Radisson Saga Hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland. The scientific program will emphasize omega-3 fatty acids including their health benefits, sources and processing development. For more details please visit www.lipidforum.info.

Rosario 90World Congress on Oils and Fats and the 31st ISF LectureshipSeries | October 31-November 4, 2015 | Argentina
The Congress and Lectureship Series will be held in November 2015, under the slogan "Evolution, innovation and challenges towards a sustainable future." The event will provide a forum in which attendees can exchange information and bring themselves up to date on the development of products, technologies, research, and experiences that are occurring at a global level in the field of fats and oils. Learn more.

  If you would like to receive the AOCS Newsletter and read it in full you may opt-in here.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Lipids journal honored for top cited articles via social media—Free download until 1/31/2015!

One of the emerging topics in scholarly publishing is article-level metrics, and scientists are starting to use these metrics to determine the extent to which their work is cited, discussed, shared, and referenced in social media and other online platforms.  Springer journals that included  top mentioned articles within the past year were honored, and Lipids was among the list of selected journals. Learn more about article-level metrics and download the nine articles until January 31, 2015! 

Recently published top mentioned articles


Recently published top cited articles


Recently published top downloaded articles

The most frequently downloaded articles (published in 2013 and 2014) from our content platform SpringerLink.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

December Methods Sale

AOCS Methods are ON SALE for the month of December! Save 20% on the following products with promo code methodsale:

Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS, 6th Edition, 3rd Printing

2011-2012 Additions and Revisions

2013-2014 Additions and Revisions

2011-12 and 2013-14 Additions and Revisions

This exclusive offer will only be available until December 31, 2014. Order online or contact the AOCS Orders Department at orders@aocs.org or +1 217-693-4803. Use promo code methodsale.

For more information on AOCS Methods, email technical@aocs.org or visit aocs.org/methods.

Oilseed Congress debut brings exclusive content on oilseed complex in Europe/MENA to Barcelona

HighQuest Group will expand its oilseed conference offerings with the debut of the new Oilseed Congress Europe/MENA in Barcelona, Spain, on 9-10 February 2015 at the Hotel Arts. The event will provide exclusive content on the current state and outlook for the oilseed complex in Europe and the Middle East/North Africa and how global trends are likely to affect the sector.

This one-and-a-half day event is fashioned after the company’s successful U.S.-based Oilseed & Grain Trade Summit, which is now in its tenth year and is highly regarded for providing timely content and outstanding networking opportunities for participants operating across the oilseed and feed grains supply chain.

As with the U.S. event, the content for the Oilseed Congress has been tailored to address the needs of its audience, focusing on issues that have a direct impact on importers and exporters, merchandisers and traders, service providers, and primary processors and downstream consumption markets in feed, food, biodiesel and industrial applications. Unique challenges and opportunities facing those active in this sector in Europe and the MENA region will be addressed, including:

  • What factors will drive the trade of oilseeds and derivative products over in the next 12 months, primarily in Europe, but also in North and South America and Asia? 
  • What trends are apparent in the quality level of oilseeds and their derivatives in the major origins?
  • What is the expected future competitiveness between different vegetable oils used in a range of applications (food, biodiesel and industrial) and how will this affect trade flows for vegetable oils?
The topics for day two of the conference include risk management strategies, freight market and trends, developments in trading rules and arbitration, and trade financing, including what kinds of innovative trade financing facilities are available in the European/MENA market today.
For more details, visit www.oilseedcongress.com. Register for the event with a 10% discount using promo code: #3PR-OCE15. Also check out the agenda for the co-located Women in Agribusiness Summit Europe, which will provide insightful industry content, professional development skills and strategies for success for women across the agribusiness value chain.

Connect with us: on Twitter @oilseedandgrain, Facebook and Linkedin.
HighQuest Group, headquartered in Danvers, Mass., USA is a globally recognized strategic advisory and industry conference company serving the food, agriculture and biofuels markets. www.highquestgroup.com.

In the U.S.

Michelle Pelletier Marshall
+1.978.887.8800, x117
In Barcelona:
Claudia Vesquez Alarcon
Land line: +34 938 335 071
Skype: Claudia_biz

Global Fabric and Home Care Leaders Met to Create Solutions

Creating Value in the New Reality,” was the focus of the AOCS-hosted Montreux 2014 — World Conference on Fabric and Home Care, October 6-9, 2014, in Montreux, Switzerland. “The conference delivered a premier program for global senior management of the fabric and home care industry to meet and discuss the challenges and potential solutions we face in this ever changing environment,” said General Chair, Manfred Trautmann.

The program gathered international executives and decision-makers that influence the future of the fabric and home care industry.
  • More than 670 attended, with 47 countries and 229 companies represented
  • The Exhibition highlighted 29 companies from across the globe and 10 Industry Innovations Incubator  presenters
  • The conference featured 24 oral presentations and 37 Technology Showcase video presentations
 Keynote presentations from industry CEOs included:
  • Kasper Rorsted, Henkel
  • Michitaka Sawada, Kao
  • Itsuo Hama, Lion
  • Peder Holk Nielsen, Novozymes
  • Kurt Bock, BASF
  • H. Fisk Johnson, SC Johnson
 The conference provided perspectives on the technology, products, and business trends of the global fabric and home care industry, and beyond, with companies including BASF, Henkel, Kao, Lion, Novozymes, SC Johnson, Coca Cola, DuPont, Oxiteno, Facebook, P&G, Unilever, Walmart, and more. “The leading international players shared their viewpoints and proved to be mindful of the challenges facing the industry. All associated challenges can also be viewed as opportunities,” said Trautmann. “While we heard from the leaders of the fabric and home care industries, we also listened to the insights of representatives from UNICEF, Facebook, Coca Cola, and global NGO's. These new perspectives provided a fresh vantage point of the difficulties facing our industry, but also of the solutions and opportunities our industry has, and the need to overcome those challenges as part of the solution rather than the problem.”

AOCS hosts this global conference on fabric and home care every two years with the location alternating between Montreux and Singapore.
Plans are already in place for the conference in Singapore, October 5-7, 2016, and program topics will be announced in 2015.

For more information on the conference series, contact Mindy Cain, Meetings Specialist, by phone (+1 217-693-4827) or email (mindyc@aocs.org).

About AOCS (American Oil Chemists’ Society)
AOCS is a global society for the oil chemistry community. Our mission is to advance the science and technology of oils, fats, surfactants and related materials, enriching the lives of people everywhere. We develop methods; provide current information through meetings, publications, and networking opportunities; and collaborate with other organizations to promote the advancement of science. www.aocs.org

Critical challenges to ag sector addressed at debut of Women in Agribusiness Summit Europe

A first-of-its-kind event in Europe, the Women in Agribusiness Summit Europe, promises to cater to women across the agribusiness value chain with top tier industry content, featuring professional development skills and strategy sessions, and unparalleled opportunities to network and establish new business relationships. This debut conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 10-12 February 2015 at the Hotel Arts.

The one-and-a-half day conference builds off the success of the U.S.-based Women in Agribusiness Summit, which has grown more than twofold since its inception in 2012. The 2014 event in New Orleans, La., hosted almost 450 attendees, with nearly 30 percent of them from senior vice president executive level positions or higher.

The European Women in Agribusiness Summit will bring the same intimate gathering atmosphere to the Barcelona event as it offers in the U.S. Summit, and also provide an interactive platform for women to discuss their unique experiences in the industry and hear from women leaders regarding industry trends and expectations.
“We are thrilled to offer this unique agribusiness event that will equip individuals and companies with the leadership and industry specific tools that are necessary to thrive in the sector,” said Joy O’Shaughnessy, event director at HighQuest Group, the firm that hosts the conference. “Ample opportunities to network with our diverse group of Summit delegates also will be provided during extended breaks and evening receptions.”
The Summit content is crafted around three categories of offerings: relevant industry trends, functional area topics, and personal skill development.
Sessions to be covered at the event include:
  • From Farm to Fork: The Vital Role of Women in the Agri-Food Value Chain
  • Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain
  • The Changing Food Consumer: The Role of Agribusiness in Meeting the Demands of Today’s End User
  • Positioning Yourself for Success
  • Transforming the Workplace: Strategies for Recruiting and Advancing Women in Agribusiness

Visit www.womeninageurope.com for more details, and register for the event with a 10% discount using promo code: #2PR-WIAE15.
Those Women in Agribusiness Summit Europe attendees who are looking to expand their content knowledge and networking opportunities are invited to attend the co-located inaugural Oilseed Congress Europe/MENA, 9-10 February, which will address key opportunities and challenges facing the oilseed trade in these regions.
Follow us @Womeninagri, like us on Facebook, join our Linkedin Group.
HighQuest Group, headquartered in Danvers, Mass., USA is a globally recognized strategic advisory and industry conference company serving the food, agriculture and biofuels markets. www.highquestgroup.com.

In the U.S.

Michelle Pelletier Marshall
+1.978.887.8800, x117
In Barcelona:
Claudia Vesquez Alarcon
Land line: +34 938 335 071
Skype: Claudia_biz

Monday, December 1, 2014

AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists Announce Collaborative Programming

AOCS and Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) signed a formal memorandum of understanding to collaborate in developing programming targeted for the cosmetic industry for the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases in Orlando, Florida, May 3–6, 2015. The agreement came after both societies acknowledged the importance of sharing technology, information, and analytical methods in the development of cosmetics and personal care products; and providing new avenues for professional development for members of both societies.

“By working together, the societies will provide opportunities for their members to reach out, exchange information, and collaborate with other related-industry professionals,” said David Smith, Executive Director, SCC. “It is critical to have those connection points as our industries expand globally.”

“Our societies and industries are interconnected. There is significant overlap in our research and technologies, and making that information accessible is crucial for developing standards and maintaining the integrity of the cosmetic industry,” shared Rick Theiner, Chairperson, Surfactants and Detergents Division.

Three joint sessions will be offered at the AOCS Annual Meeting. The Surfactants and Detergents Division will feature a session entitled Surfactants: Cosmetic Science, which will focus on applications of surfactants in cosmetic and personal care products; including cosmetic formulation aspects and interactions of surfactants with skin, hair, and related biological surfaces.

The Protein and Co-Products Division will host a session on Strategies in Advanced Utilization of Proteins and Peptides that will concentrate on utilities of proteins and peptides, including emulsions, protein modifications, bio-actives delivery, nanotechnology, enzymes and their inhibition, and therapeutic and cosmetic activities of proteins and peptides.

The third joint session, Lipid Oil and Skin Health, developed by both the Biotechnology and Health and Nutrition Divisions, will center around the synthesis and application of lipids and oils to improve skin health.

The AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases will be held in Orlando, Florida, May 3-6, 2015. As one of the premier international science and business forums on fats, oils, surfactants, lipids, and related materials, the meeting brings together more than 1,600 attendees from around the world. Known for its extensive program, the Annual Meeting features more than 600 presentations within 11 interest areas. The Industry Showcases will house business solutions for fats and oils professionals, and provide a forum for the exchange of information amongst industry partners.

To learn more about the AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases visit:  AnnualMeeting.aocs.org.

To learn more about the collaboration between AOCS and SCC contact: Jeffry L. Newman, AOCS Senior Director of Programs, at jnewman@aocs.org, or David Smith, Executive Director of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, at dsmith@scconline.org.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Trans fats have caused premature deaths in thousands of people since 1910

Biochemist Fred Kummerow, who turned 100 in October 2014, continues to conduct research on heart disease and trans fats. In 2009, he petitioned the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban trans fats in foods and followed up by filing a lawsuit in 2013. In November 2013, the FDA made a preliminary determination that partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (the primary source of industrially produced trans fats) are not generally recognized as safe in foods. Here is Kummerow’s latest commentary on the topic. 

  •  It took years to realize that all trans isomers did not have the same properties. Artificial trans fatty acids and ruminant trans fatty acids have entirely different properties in vivo as well as in vitro.
  • When the amount of artificial trans fat in margarines was lowered, the sudden cardiac death rate also showed a decrease.pho
  • When trans fats are out of the food supply, there will be 325,000 fewer sudden cardiac deaths per year, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control.

In 1901, a German chemist named Wilhelm Normann showed that liquid oils could be hydrogenated, and patented the process in 1902. Production of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) commenced in 1909. The Procter & Gamble Co. acquired the US rights to the Normann patent and in 1911 it began marketing the first PHOs. The hydrogenated fat replaced lard and butter. PHOs had desirable culinary properties as they had melting points close to body temperatures and became liquid in the mouth like butter. In 1910, no one knew what effect PHOs would have on health.

The present mix of dietary fat in the marketplace results in less prostacyclin synthesis, which is an important factor in cardiovascular health (1). Prostacyclin is a dominant prostaglandin produced by endothelial cells in arteries and is a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation and leukocyte adhesion. It limits the response to thromboxane, which is a powerful inducer of vasoconstriction and platelet adhesion on the arterial wall and is partially responsible for the interruption of blood flow. The rise of artificial trans fats in the diet correlates to the rate of age-adjusted heart disease-related deaths in the United States since 1910.

Composition of trans fats

It took nearly five decades before the biochemical structure of trans fatty acids was understood. The partial hydrogenation of soybean oil adds atoms of hydrogen to 50% of the bonds 9,12 in linoleic acid (n-6) and to 50% of the bonds 9,12,15 in linolenic acid (n-3), converting them to 50% stearic acid(2). Forty to fifty percent of the double bonds of fatty acids in n-6 and n-3 are shifted to different positions on the carbon chain, making nine different synthetic trans fatty acids and five different cis fatty acids. These are cis and trans isomers of octadecenoic and octadecadienoic acids that are not present in animal fats or plant oils.

Both the cis and trans isomers interfere with the action of two isoforms of constitutive COX-1 and an inducible COX-2 enzyme. COX-2 is the enzyme that recognizes the isomers produced during hydrogenation as a foreign substrate and reacts to them by causing inflammation and inhibition of prostacyclin. The 14 synthetic fatty acids are a source of energy but interfere with the conversion of n-6 to arachidonic acidand n-3 to eicosapentaenoic acid (2).

Several studies, in my laboratory, have called attention to the trans fatty acids (TFAs) present in margarines and shortenings. Samples of tissue obtained from human autopsies were shown to contain up to 14% TFAs(3). Samples of fat from human placental, maternal, fetal, and baby tissue were also examined for the presence of TFAs(4). While the maternal tissue contained considerable amounts of TFAs, these lipids were not found to any measurable extent in placental, fetal, or baby fat(5).

This was also shown in rats that were fed transfat. When the transfat was removed from the diet, their tissue metabolized the trans fat and no longer contained trans fat(6). The results of these studies indicated that the TFAs present in human tissue apparently arise solely from dietary fat, and they do not normally appear in the tissues unless a source of TFAs is included in the diet.

Difference between PHOs and ruminant fats

It was believed by the FDA that trans fat in partially hydrogenated soybean oil (PHO) had the same chemical structure and worked the same way in our bodies as natural vaccinic acid. However, these two trans fat sources have entirely different properties in vitro as well as in vivo ((1)). The elaidic acid in PHO has a double bond at position 9, while the vaccinic acid in ruminant fats is at position 11. The enzymes in the body recognize vaccinic acid (butterfat and beef fat) as the fatty acid that has been in the diet for untold generations(7).

In vitro and in vivo study

An in vitro study showed that the fatty acids in partially hydrogenated fat had different properties than fatty acids in animal fat or vegetable oil. Trans acids increased the incorporation of 45Ca2+ into the cells, whereas cisacids did not incorporate 45Ca2+ into the coronary artery cells(8). An in vivo study showed that the TFAs inhibited the synthesis of arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, in the phospholipid membrane of arterial cells (8). It was concluded that dietary trans fat perturbed essential fatty acid metabolism, which led to changes in the phospholipid fatty acid composition in the arterial wall, the target tissue of atherogenesis. Partially hydrogenated fat is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease because arachidonic acid is needed to synthesize prostacyclin.

Data from the CDC

Data obtained from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show the rate of death from heart disease started increasing in 1910 and continued until 1968, at which time the industry lowered the percentage of trans fat in shortenings and edible oils from 44% to 27% and increased the amount of linoleic acid from 8% to 25% (Table 1) (1).

Table 1. Average composition of shortening and mar

In 1968, the age-adjusted rate of heart disease-related deaths began to decrease. Data from the CDC state that almost 600,000 Americans died of heart disease in 2011, with 325,000 of those from sudden cardiac death. The other 275,000 deaths were due to calcification of the coronary arteries to 100% occlusion( (1)).

Tentative determination to ban PHOs

On November 7, 2013, FDA released a tentative determination regarding PHOs (9). It stated that PHOs, which are a primary source of industrially produced TFAs, are not generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for any use in food. The FDA requested comments of scientific data and information on this determination giving 60 days for responses. Before the 60 days were over, the agency extended the comment period by another 60 days until March 8, 2014. When the determination is finalized, it will mean that food manufacturers would no longer be permitted to sell PHOs without prior FDA approval.

The FDA released this information in the Federal Register on November 8, 2013 (9): “Trans fats are an integral component of PHOs and are purposely produced in these oils to affect the properties of the oil and the characteristics of the food to which they are added.” At zero percent of trans fat content in the body, the prostacyclin release from vascular endothelial cells is 38.7 ng/mg of cell protein (1).

Data released in the Federal Register states that in 2012 the average American consumed 2.1 grams of trans fats per day, with the 90% percentile consuming 4.2 grams per day (9). While consuming 2.1 grams of trans fat per day, the arterial cells will release 25 ng/mg cell protein, which is a significant drop from 38.7 ng/mg at zero percent. Consuming 4.2 grams/day of trans fat the cells will only release 15.5 ng/mg cell protein (1). As more grams per day of transfat are consumed, prostacyclin release from vascular endothelial cells to cell protein will decrease, proving an inverse relationship between the two processes.


The partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils has been shown to have an adverse effect on  health. The FDA believed that artificial trans fats had the same chemical structure and worked the same way in the human body as natural trans fats. It has been shown that this is not true. The sooner the FDA finalizes its decision to make artificial trans fat non-GRAS, the sooner more lives will be saved.
I believe that heart disease is not a disease but a somatic response to a simple error involving the effect of trans fat in partially hydrogenated oil on prostacyclin synthesis. Therefore, the present mix of dietary fat in the marketplace results in less prostacyclin synthesis and more sudden cardiac death.

Fred A. Kummerow is an adjunct professor in comparative biosciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He can be contacted at fkummero@illinois.edu.

  1. Kummerow, F.A., Two lipids in the diet, rather than cholesterol, are responsible for heart failure and stroke, Clin. Lipidol. 9:189–204, 2014.
  2. Kummerow, F.A., The negative effects of hydrogenated trans fats and what to do about them, Atherosclerosis 205:458–465, 2009.
  3. Johnston PV, Johnson OC, Kummerow FA. Occurrence of trans fatty acids in human tissue. Science. 1957;126:698-699.
  4. Johnston PV, Johnson OC, Kummerow FA. Non-transfer of trans fatty acids from mother to young. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1957;96:760-762.
  5. Johnston PV, Kummerow FA, Walton CH. Origin of the trans fatty acids in human tissue. Proc Soc  Biol Med. 1958;99:735-736.
  6. Johnston PV, Johnson OC, Kummerow FA. Deposition in tissues and fecal excretion of trans fatty acids in the rat. J Nutr. 1958;65:13-23.
  7. Kummerow FA. Improving hydrogenated fat for the world population. CVD Prevention and Control. 2005;1:157-164.
  8. Kummerow, F.A., Q. Zhou, M.M. Mahfouz, et al, Trans fatty acids in the phospholipid of arterial cells, Life Sci. 74:2707-2723, 2004.
  9. Tentative Determination Regarding Partially Hydrogenated Oils; Request for Comments and for Scientific Data and Information, Federal Register 78:67169–67175, 2013. Access online.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

NEW Olive Oil Book : A Reference for Olive Oil Professionals and Enthusiasts (+ Recipes)

Choosing or selecting an olive oil for cooking your holiday meal can confound both professionals and home cooks. Olive Oil: A Field Guide provides clear guidelines to help choose and buy the best olive oil. 

If you plan on cooking a Turkey with olive oil this holiday season we have found a few recipes that should guarantee a healthy and flavorful meal.

Other holiday favorites can also be improved by using a quality olive oil. For mashed potatoes. try Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes with Garlic. We all know olive oil can be great for roasting vegetables but don't forget dessert! According to the Olive Oil Times olive oil can improve the taste of baked goods as well.

“Most people don’t think about using olive oil in their sweet or savory baked goods,” Gunn explains.  “The flavor of a mild or light olive oil will not be detected and the fruitiness of it will complement the other flavors in baked sweets.  When making pumpkin bread, oatmeal cookies, cakes, or pie crust, substitute a mild olive oil for butter and use about 1/4 less than the amount of butter you would normally use.” [From "Pouring on the Olive Oil for Thanksgiving"]

I hope that the Olive Oil: A Field Guide can help you in selecting an authentic quality oil for healthy cooking.

And please share your favorite recipes with tips@aocs.org!

Plant Managers- NFPA 36: Standard for Solvent Extraction Plants Open for Comment!

What is NFPA 36?
This standard provides design, construction, and operational requirements to mitigate fire and explosion hazards in plants involved in the extraction processing of animal and vegetable oils and fats using Class I flammable hydrocarbon liquids.

What does NFPA 36 address?
Provisions cover general operational requirements; solvent unloading, storage and handling; preparation and meal finishing processes; extraction process; and extraction process equipment. Table of Contents


REMINDER: The Public Input closing date for Fall 2016 documents is January 5, 2015 for online submissions.  Please note that NFPA is only accepting online submissions for this revision cycle and moving forward.  Paper submissions will not be accepted for any NFPA standard starting with the Fall 2016 Revision Cycle, this includes emails and faxes.

SUBMIT YOUR PUBLIC INPUT ELECTRONICALLY!  The Fall 2016 documents are accepting Public Input electronically through the Electronic Submission (e-PI) System.  

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Changes to browser software sometimes results in unexpected behavior.  This site has known issues with specific releases of Google Chrome (ver. 34) and Internet Explorer 8 (ver. 8.0.7601.17514).  If you received XSLT Forms Exceptions errors when using Chrome, or if you having difficulty submitting Public Input using Internet Explorer 8, please try using Firefox or a different version of your chosen browser.

e-PI System and Instructions.  Submit Public Input by selecting your document from the list at  http://www.nfpa.org/aboutthecodes, then Click on the “Next Edition” tab (see screenshot below).  You can submit input or just start and save your work in progress.  If you would like to review instructions on this process, please go to http://www.nfpa.org/submitpublicinput.  For your information, a list of the Fall 2016 Revision Cycle documents can be found at: http://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-standards/document-information-pages?cycle=Fall%202016

If you have any questions when you use the new system, you can contact Debbie Baio at (617) 984-7242 or by email.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fibroblast growth factor-21 and the beneficial effects of n-3 fatty acids - FREE Lipids paper of the month!

The article of the month from Lipids is "Fibroblast growth factor-21 and the beneficial effects of n-3 fatty acids" by Joan Villarroya and colleagues in the Planavila Group at the University of Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain.

"This work shows that although omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have an antidiabetic effect, this effect was not through the induction of antidiabetic fibroblast growth factor-21 gene expression," writes Eric J. Murphy, editor-in-chief of the journal. "Rather, dietary omega-3 fatty acids increase the short-term expression of target genes associated with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha."

The article is available for free download through Jan. 18, 2015.

Find Out More

Interested in publishing your work or serving as a reviewer and/ or editor for AOCS Press? Please contact Janet Brown AOCS Director, Content Development (janet.brown@aocs.org).


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AOCS Newsletter Highlights November 2014

AOCS Press Sale Save 15% and get free shipping on these AOCS MONOGRAPH SERIES ON OILSEEDS titles with promo code OMS14. Offer expires December 31, 2014.
To order: orders@aocs.org | www.aocs.org/store

Award News
Since 1999, AOCS has selected members who have made outstanding contributions to the technological aspects of the profession and to the growth of the Society. This is a distinctive and prestigious honor that can only be earned through years (15 or more) of dedication and service. Nominations due December 1 - visit the website for more details.

For graduate students!
Thomas H. Smouse Memorial Fellowship is now open. The award is for the 2015-2016 academic year. The Fellowship includes a $10,000 stipend and $5,000 for research funding. Application deadline is February 2, 2015. Visit the website for more details.

Inform Free Features

Proclamations about the dangers of trans fats are everywhere, it seems. Is it possible, though, that aldehydic lipid oxidation products (LOPs) in thermally stressed cooking oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids are a far greater danger to public health? Read about the detection, monitoring, and deleterious health effects of LOPs in this month's first free article from Inform, the AOCS member magazine.

Next, find out how AkzoNobel developed a surfactant-based cleaner that delivers a strong combination of heavy-duty grease removal and low streaking in the second free article from the November/December issue.

Looking for a Job?

AOCS Career Services regularly posts some of the best career opportunities in the industry.  Take a look below at several current listings, or get more information on the Career Center website.
Technical Services News
Recognized and Accredited Olive Oil Sensory Panels
AOCS would like to thank all of the panels that participated in the 2013-2014 Olive Oil Sensory Panel proficiency testing series. Several labs have been awarded for excellence in testing and achieved Recognized and Accredited Panel status in this series.

Reminder: the next enrollment deadline for the AOCS Laboratory Proficiency Program (LPP) is November 20. The LPP enrollment process has changed with the upgrade to our new website and store. If you are experiencing difficulty enrolling or would like help, please contact Dawn Shepard.

AOCS @ Work
AOCS CEO Pat Donnelly kicked off the Oils and Fats International Congress 2014 held in Kuala Lumpur by delivering the 15th Tan Sri Dato Seri B. Bek-Nielsen Foundation Lecture. Donnelly discussed opportunities and challenges ahead for the global oils and fats industry. The Congress took place November 5-7 and was organized by Oils & Fats International and Malaysian Oil Scientists' and Technologists' Association, in collaboration with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board.

AOCS Governing Board
The AOCS Governing Board met on October 23, 2014, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. During the meeting, members reviewed the AOCS 2015 budget and operating plans. A major focus of the Governing Board will continue to center on performance improvement for specific products and services, identifying new opportunities, and expansion of services into new industry sectors. The Governing Board recognizes the need to develop new leadership for the Society and encourages all members interested in serving in a leadership position to complete the AOCS Prospective Leadership Questionnaire.

To learn more about AOCS leadership positions and other volunteer opportunities, please email Barb Semeraro, or call her at +1 217-693-4804.

AOCS has your topic covered!
Learn more about all of our upcoming meetings.

AOCS Meeting Updates

AM15_Logo_90106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Industry Showcases | May 3–6, 2015 | Orlando, Florida, USA
Submit your abstract! Present your research to an engaged audience of your peers! The meeting will feature invited/volunteer oral and poster presentations. Review interest areas, submission guidelines, evaluation criteria, and submit.

Organize a Hot Topics Symposium! The Hot Topics Symposia will feature global discussions on new technologies, innovative research, regulation updates, and other current critical issues. Review guidelines and submit your session proposal today.

February 2, 2015: Final abstracts due
March 6, 2015: Final proposals due

Interested in participating in the Industry Showcases or becoming a Sponsor? Contact Christina Waugh, +1 217-693-4901.

Upcoming Industry Meetings
IndustryEventBtn-eNews2nd World Congress of Clinical Lipidology | December 5-7, 2014 | Austria
The congress will provide state of the art educational lectures in the field of clinical lipidology, focusing on practical lipid management including difficult to treat hyperlipidemias, genetic dyslipidemias, screening, dietary and nutraceutical approaches and case studies. Major emphasis will be given to new therapeutics, diagnosis and management of high risk patients. 

The International Soaps Detergents & Cosmetics Conference will focus on the rapidly evolving industries in Asia. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for national and international players to share views and resources on sustainability, the dynamic marketplace, emerging technologies and innovations, and environmental and regulatory issues.

The Congress and Lectureship Series will be held in November 2015, under the slogan "Evolution, innovation and challenges towards a sustainable future." The event will provide a forum in which attendees can exchange information and bring themselves up to date on the development of products, technologies, research, and experiences that are occurring at a global level in the field of fats and oils. 
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