Continue professional development from the comfort of your desk, lab bench or armchair with upcoming #AOCSWebinars.
Spanning a range of interest areas, from Processing to Surfactants and Detergents, AOCS Webinars give you the knowledge, skills and tools you need to continue advancing the science and technology of fats, oils, surfactants and related materials.
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Upcoming webinars
Making Sense of Patents - A Guide for Scientists and Engineers Part 1 of 3
September 1, 2020 | 2:00 pm CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
Scott Bloomer, Technical Director at AOCS, will provide code-breaking and pattern-recognition strategies for identifying and extracting needed information from patents. The common intimidation many researchers face when reading patents will be countered by demystifying the structure of patents and clarifying where the central facts are hidden. Attendees will understand the reasons patents are so different from papers and gain insight into how to use patents in their work.
Silicone Polymers and Surfactants
September 2, 2020 | 10:00 am CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
Tony O'Lenick, a principal consultant for Nascent Technologies Corporation, will demonstrate how to use the technology of siliphilic polymers to make polymeric surfactants with oil/water and silicone moieties. In this presentation, you will gain an understanding of silicone chemistry and hybrid silicone oil technology and chemistry. You will also learn how to use siliphilic polymers as surfactants in aqueous systems (PEG dimethicone) and in oil systems (alkyl dimethicone).
September 2, 2020 | 12:00 PM CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
Bioenergy is an important option for the transition toward a low-carbon economy. Among biofuels, biodiesel represents an environmentally friendly alternative fuel to petro-diesel consisting of mono-alkyl esters of long-chain fatty acids (mostly FAMEs). In this webinar, you will learn how oleaginous yeasts may provide unique platforms for the sustainable production of biodiesel due to some advantages over their plant and algal counterparts, such as no competition with food production, ability to grow in conventional bioreactors, rapid growth rates, growth unaffected by space, light or climatic variations, ability to utilize lignocellulose-derived sugars, easy to scale up, etc. Presenter, Dr. Mahesh Khot, will discuss a study that evaluated the lipid content and fatty acid profile of a yeast strain newly isolated from degraded wood in the Chilean rainforest with an eye toward using this novel yeast to make biodiesel.
Stability of Alcohol Propoxy Sulfate Surfactants in the Presence of Reservoir Rock
September 4, 2020 | 8:00 AM CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
This presentation was originally published as an ePoster at the Virtual 2020 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Julian Barnes will present this research live and take questions from the audience during this special edition virtual annual meeting webinar. View the ePoster and abstract.
Making Sense of Patents - Making Sense of Claims, Part 2 of 3
September 8, 2020 | 2:00 PM CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
Elaborating on his first webinar, “Making Sense of Patents – A Guide for Scientists and Engineers,” Scott Bloomer, Director of Technical Services at AOCS, will help attendees continue to understand patents by providing a brief outline of a patent's parts and explaining how these parts contribute to the meaning of patent claims. Learning objectives for this webinar include how to identify central terms of the patent claims, finding the meaning of these central terms and synthesizing these parts to clarify the intent of patent claims.
CNFA Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F), The Soybean Innovation Lab (SIL) and AOCS -Volunteer Opportunities
September 10, 2020 | 10:00 am CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
In this webinar, you will learn more about volunteer opportunities with the USAID’s F2F program that connects farmers in low-income countries with technical expert volunteers in the U.S. agricultural sector. The partnership with the Soybean Innovation Lab and AOCS broadens the impact of F2F by inviting oil seed agro-processors in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly those working with soybeans, into the program to request technical expertise from F2F. You will learn more about the workings and impact of F2F in oilseeds in Sub-Saharan African countries – providing technical expertise to larger processors strengthens the entire value chain, creating more nutritious food for populations, higher demand for raw materials and thus income for local farmers, and eventually greater opportunities for employment.
Making Sense of Patents - Pitfalls of Patent Ignorance (Part 3 of 3)
September 15, 2020 | 2:00 PM CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
In the final part of this webinar series about patents, presenter, Scott Bloomer will provide tips and tricks to decoding patents. This webinar will cover some of the common patent code words and how their meanings can be something other than the expected common usages, how to correctly refer to patent documents in scientific publications, common misconceptions regarding patent holder rights and where and how to search for patents. Attendees will also get a better understanding of the benefits of and differences between granted patents and trade secrets.
Desafíos en la cristalización de palma alto oleico en margarinas y shortening
October 28, 2020 | 10:00 AM CDT (Chicago, USA) | Register for free
Este webinar se presentará en español. Más detalles próximamente.
This webinar will be presented in Spanish. More details to come.
AOCS hopes to see you at a few of these upcoming webinars.
Stay up to date with #AOCSWebinars.