The 2021 The Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Award for Best Paper in Protein and Co-Products has been awarded to Juxing Chen, Karen Wedekind, Jeffery Escobar and Mercedes Vazquez-Añón from Novus International Inc., St. Charles, MO, USA for their 2020 JAOCS paper: Trypsin Inhibitor and Urease Activity of Soybean Meal Products from Different Countries and Impact of Trypsin Inhibitor on Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility in Pig.
Trypsin inhibitor (TI) and urease activity (UA) are the most relevant quality aspects of soybean meal (SBM) for monogastric animals. This study’s objective was to determine the levels of TI and UA in SBM collected from feed mills in different countries, whether TI and UA are correlated since they are both heat-labile, and impact of TI on pig ileal amino acid digestibility. Read more in JAOCS.
Lead author, Dr. Juxing Chen is the senior manager of structure and function biology at Novus. In this role, she develops animal models and biological assays to thoroughly investigate industry challenges and develop potential solutions with new or existing Novus products. She collaborates with a variety of internal and partner research scientists and provides input on experimental design, structural and functional understanding of experimental animal models, and the mode of action of feed additives in poultry, swine and ruminants. Since joining Novus in 2012 Dr. Chen's research has included maternal feeding/epigenetic modification, feed ingredient quality, gut health, structural integrity, and meat quality. She oversees the group to provide cellular, molecular, biological and historical assays for internal research scientists, external collaborators and customers.
Dr. Chen's research at Novus has resulted in numerous peer-reviewed articles in well-known scientific journals, such as Scientific Reports, Poultry Science, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Journal of Animal Science, AOCS etc. She has published a book on Nutrition of hyperprolific sow book, and presented at given numerous presentations at scientific meetings such as the Poultry Science Association annual meeting, International Poultry Scientific Forum, World Poultry Congress, Gut Health Symposium, and Feed Navigator etc. Previously, Dr. Chen lectured at Shanghai Jiaotong University in China. In 2005, she joined the Cell and Developmental Biology department at Oregon Health and Science University as a postdoctoral fellow and research associate, gained very extensive and solid experience in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, and immunology, and published 11 peer-reviewed articles.
Can you tell us about your current research?
My research focus on the following aspect: 1)Maternal feeding mainly focuses on delineating the mode of action of maternal supplementation of organic trace minerals on growth and development of progeny in poultry, swine and ruminant 2)Feed ingredient soybean meal quality control including trypsin inhibitor 3)Effect of eubiotics and minerals in gut health and immunity in broilers 4)Effect of trace minerals and antioxidants on meat quality in broilers.
What was your reaction when you learned you had won the award?
I was very surprised!
How has AOCS helped develop your career?
AOCS is a great platform providing the support network for those involved with the science and technology related to oils, fats, proteins, surfactants, and related materials. I learned a lot about SBM quality control from AOCS and my publication enhanced my expertise in SBM quality control and increased my opportunity to interact with potential external collaborators.
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