Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Call for Participants-method comparison study for MCPD-ester (MCPD-E) and glycidyl-ester (GE) analysis

AOCS, in conjunction with ADM Research, is seeking collaborators that are interested in comparing MCPD-ester (MCPD-E) and glycidyl-ester (GE) methods of analysis.  Interested parties should respond by 10 October 2012.

AOCS method comparison study of direct and indirect methods for MCPD-ester (MCPD-E) and glycidyl-ester (GE) analysis
Purpose:  To compare results from the direct and indirect determination of MCPD-E and GE using reference samples of known composition.

Participation:  To confirm your participation in the study, you must choose to perform one of the three indirect methods and/or provide details of the direct method you will employ. Further, please supply the organizers with a signed declaration form that you have the appropriate equipment available and that you will return all results from the analysis of the test materials to the coordinators by the end of the test period. The indirect analysis of the test materials must conform to one of the supplied methods and the protocol for the direct method should be provided. If any modifications to the direct procedure are made, they must be noted on the reporting sheet; the result of any other analysis using a different method must also be supplied to the coordinators, together with a copy of the method.


Method comparison study
  • Participants returning a signed declaration form before the closing date will be assigned a unique (confidential) identifier by the coordinators. 
  • Participants providing the required information will be authorized to analyze 5 test materials in duplicate. 
  • The results of these analyses will be sent to the coordinators within the time limit specified using the provided reporting sheet.
  • Each participant will receive a report of laboratory results, together with statistical analysis and outlier identification.
  • Invitation to participate in the study will be sent from AOCS by 2nd October, 2012.
  • Declarations of participation to be returned by 10th October, 2012.
  • Five test materials will be sent by 20th October, 2012.
  • Participants to return uncorrected results of analysis of all test materials by 30th November, 2012.
  • Results compiled and analyzed by 20th January, 2013.
Reporting:  The participants are required to report the presence or absence of individual and total long chain MCPD-Es and GEs in mg/kg (do not correct for recovery) according to the reporting sheet for each of the test materials. Materials should be reported as duplicate analyses.

Outcome:  Data from each lab will be statistically analyzed and a report will be generated.  All information will remain confidential throughout the study. Results will be presented to the AOCS Expert Panel on Process Contaminants at a future meeting.


Dr. Richard Cantrill, AOCS, Richard.Cantrill@aocs.org and
Dr. Mark Collison, ADM Research, Mark.Collison@ADM.com

If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact Kimmy Farris, AOCS by email (kimmy.farris@aocs.org) or fax (+1 217-693-4870) such that she can send you the above mentioned declaration form, methods, and reporting sheet directly so you can return the declaration form on or before 10 October 2012.

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