Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Edible Applications Technology Division Newsletter Highlights

Edible Applications Technology Division News

Award Winners Selected
The winner of the Timothy L. Mounts Award, sponsored by Bunge North America, is Roman Przybylski of the University of Lethbridge, Canada. The award will be presented at the Division dinner on Monday, April 30. Dr. Przybylski will speak at the EAT 5 session.

This year’s EAT Student Award will be presented to Ya’el Shufan from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. She will present a talk entitled “Light Stability of Two Types of Lycopene in a Five Component Microemulsion.”

Calling All Authors (and Editors)!
If you have heard an outstanding technical presentation or plan to speak on a breakthrough topic the industry needs to find out about, please feel free to submit a new book proposal to AOCS. As a book editor you can gather the leading contributors. As a book author, you can write one or more chapters that will be included in a book.
For more information, please contact Jodey Schonfeld, at jodeys@aocs.org.


Learn about the Edible Applications Technology Division

Edible Applications Technology Division Programming at the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo

Edible Applications Technology Division Activities at the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo

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Have a news posting? Let us know. Tip your editors at tips@aocs.org

1 comment:

  1. Discussing such topics like Lycopene and Microemulsion makes my head ache. Basically studying food dynamic and more complex structure is not my field. Since I worked in a Law office for Provisional Patent Application. But Congratulations to Ya’el Shufan...who would have thought that a student from Israel would stand ahead and excel with such competence and knowledge.
