Friday, April 20, 2012

Eleven Days and Counting

 It is 11 days until the 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Not that we, (AOCS staff), are counting.

Planning for the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo actually begins years in advance as AOCS staff and the Program Committee select a site, and for 2012, the sunny and beautiful Long Beach California was selected.

Site selection, however, is just the beginning. Staff and volunteer committee members work hard to find the best hotels, plan social events, short courses, the exhibition as well as plan the technical program. Websites are launched, session chairs are set to work, and marketing materials are sent out. As April 29th draws close staff begin scheduling, stuffing portfolios and arranging shipments.

After much work from all (and with much left to do!) all at AOCS headquarters are getting excited about the upcoming AOCS Annual Meeting and truly hope it will surpass your expectations!

Stuffing 'Expo to Go'

Shipping out to the L.B.C.!


*Online registration is now closed, but you can still register on site in Long Beach.

*Printed abstract booklets will NOT be available at the 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. In a responsible effort to encourage sustainability, the abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be provided in electronic format.  Registrants should have received access information via email. If you need help accessing abstracts please contact Donna Elbon at

We look forward to seeing you in Long Beach!

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