Thursday, December 10, 2020

Congratulations to LPP Award winner Trevor Meredith and to Solbar Food Technologies, Ashdod, Israel

AOCS is proud to recognize the top performers of the Laboratory Proficiency Program. LPP Award Winners are among the top 10% of analysts in their field. We commend them for their dedication to conducting rigorous analyses in the lab.

Trevor Meredith, Solbar Food Technologies, receives the AOCS LPP award

Solbar has been using the services of AOCS for more than 30 years. The company has used the Laboratory Proficiency Program to improve and maintain the accuracy of analytical results generated by its QA laboratory. Over the years, this has allowed the company to enhance the accuracy of its system and to maintain the quality of both its production processes and products. The QA Laboratory at Solbar was the birthplace of Cannassure Therapeutics (TASE: CSURE), now producing safe, consistent, stable cannabis tinctures. 

Since becoming a member, Solbar has also attended the AOCS Annual Meetings & Expos for many years. Dr. Meredith reports that the meetings have been an important source of information and offered a chance to meet and learn from leading experts in our industry. His organization has also benefited from the AOCS Lab Services.

“The ability to use AOCS methods and obtain accurate results has also been the basis for expansion of our laboratory,” he says. “This has allowed us to analyze other extracts and products also produced on site, such as Cannabis oils and Saffron.”

Solbar looks forward to many more years of support by AOCS in maintaining its position as a leader in the production of high-quality soy products for both the food and feed markets in Israel.


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