Monday, May 20, 2019

ISO Analytical Collaborative Trial for the Analysis of Chloropropanols and Glycidol Esters

As part of their ongoing standard development, ISO is planning a collaborative trial for the analysis of chloropropanols and glycidol esters within the course of this year. Laboratories are welcome to indicate their interest to participate in the validation study via AOCS/ISO/NEN by notifying

After the collaborative data is collected and analyzed, drafting the new standard will take place according to ISO Directives part 1 (clause 1.12) concerning the participation in the group charged with the actual standard writing (link):
"A working group comprises a restricted number of experts individually appointed by the P-members, A-liaisons of the parent committee and C-liaison organizations, brought together to deal with the specific task allocated to the working group. The experts act in a personal capacity and not as the official representative of the P-member or A-liaison organization (see 1.17) by which they have been appointed with the exception of those appointed by C-liaison organizations (see 1.17). However, it is recommended that they keep close contact with that P-member or organization in order to inform them about the progress of the work and of the various opinions in the working group at the earliest possible stage.
It is recommended that working groups be reasonably limited in size. The technical committee or subcommittee may therefore decide upon the maximum number of experts appointed by each P-member and liaison organizations."

Scott Bloomer, Ph.D.
Director, Technical Services
American Oil Chemists' Society
2710 Boulder Drive, Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: +1-217-693-4830

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