Monday, January 12, 2015

Call for Candidates

Would you like to be a member of an AOCS Division Executive Steering Committee, or do you know someone who might be interested in doing this?

Each AOCS Division is governed by an elected, three-person Executive Steering Committee:
  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • Secretary-Treasurer
The term of office is one year; however, a member may serve in an office for three consecutive terms.

Please Note: Newly elected officers are requested to participate in orientation and steering committee meetings Sunday morning and afternoon of the AOCS Annual Meeting in Orlando.

Submit the names of potential candidates to Elizabeth Garard no later than Monday, January 26, 2015. Self-nominations are welcome.

Candidates will be asked to provide a brief statement (4-5 sentences), which should describe area(s) of research and AOCS experience.

The ballots — with candidates’ names and statements — will be sent to Division members in mid-February.

The names of the new Division leaders will be put on each Division’s web page in early March, and Division officers will be installed at the 106th AOCS Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA, May 3-6, 2015.

The duties of each office are:
  • appoints a Division member to oversee the Division awards program
  • appoints a Division member to serve as newsletter editor
  • appoints Division members, as needed, to oversee other Division activities
  • reports on the status of awards and newsletter activities to the Division’s Executive Steering Committee
  • represents the Division and its interests at Division Council meetings
  • chairs the Division’s technical programming committee; appoints Division members to assist in program development
  • serves on the AOCS Program Committee
  • reports pertinent details concerning the upcoming AOCS Annual Meeting technical program to the Division’s Executive Steering Committee
  • assumes duties of Chairperson when necessary
  • takes minutes of Division’s Executive Steering Committee meetings
  • reviews Division financials with AOCS staff and reports activities to the Division’s Executive Steering Committee
  • appoints a Division member to oversee networking events
  • in consultation with the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, submits a written report in July that summarizes the activities of the previous year; at the same time, prepares a budget reflecting the Division’s future program plans with income and expense projections

Find Out More

Questions? Email Elizabeth Garard at

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