The Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Award for Best Paper in Protein and Co-Products recognizes outstanding papers that report original research in the categories of chemistry/nutrition and engineering/technology of protein and co-products. One paper is selected from each category. The award is presented by the Protein and Co-Products Division and sponsored by Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).
Congratulations to this year's award winners!
Chemistry/Nutrition Category
Keshun Liu, Susan Seegers, Wenming Cao, Janitha Wanasundara, Juxing Chen, Alessandro Esteves da Silva, Kristopher Ross, Alexandra Lozano Franco, Theo Vrijenhoek, Pankaj Bhowmik, Yonghui Li, Xin Wu and Scott Bloomer for the paper "An International Collaborative Study on Trypsin Inhibitor Assay for Legumes, Cereals, and Related Products."
Read the paper in the Journal of the American Oil Chemist's Society (JAOCS).
The work published in this paper was part of an effort that resulted in a new AOCS Method, AOCS Official Method Ba 12a-2020. AOCS member and Fellow Keshun Liu led the effort. Here is what he has to say about winning the award:
"I felt surprised and greatly honored. The work was an international collaborative study, involving participation from over a dozen scientists around the world. It was also directed and supported by Dr. Scott Bloomer, the Director of AOCS Technical Services, and his team. At the time of initiating the study, the COVID pandemic was just starting. It was fortunate that the project was completed on time, with great support from all participants. Therefore, this award is an honor not only to me but also to all the participants of the study. Without their participation and support, this would not have been possible. Furthermore, the best paper dealt with an improved method for trypsin inhibitor activity in plant protein products, which was later approved as the AOCS Official Method Ba 12a-2020. It is one of six papers I published in JAOCS in the past 3 years on quality parameters of soybeans and related products. Hopefully, the work timely meets an industrial need for better quality control of plant proteins."
Engineering/Technology Category
Xiaoying Mao, Dandan Wang, Lingge Sun, Jian Zhang and Qingzhi Wu for the paper "Effect of Peroxyl-Radicals-Induced Oxidative Modification in the Physicochemical and Emulsifying Properties of Walnut Protein."
Read the paper in the Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (JAOCS).
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