Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spotlight on Haizhou Wu, recipient of the 2022 Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division Early Career Travel Grant

Haizhou Wu

We are delighted to announce that Haizhou Wu is the recipient of the 2022 Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division Early Career Travel Grant. This grant assists early career researchers in presenting their work at the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, as well as encourages them to become active in the Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division and the Society.

About Haizhou Wu

Dr. Wu is a researcher at the Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering-Food and Nutrition Science. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin–Madison & Nanjing Agricultural University in 2017. He conducted postdoctoral research work at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden from February 2018 to January 2021.

His work is primarily in basic and applied research related to muscle food (fish, mammalian and avian), e.g., the oxidative processes mostly in relation to lipids and functional aspects of hemoglobin and myoglobin. One focal point has been to elucidate the mechanisms by which there is a wide range of variation in auto-oxidation and heme dissociation when comparing mammalian, fish and avian hemoglobins. Additional focus involves developing new technologies for stabilizing muscle food against lipid oxidation.

Can you tell us about your current research?

My current research is mainly focused on developing new technologies for stabilization of seafood by-products against lipid oxidation, specifically by removing and/or deactivating blood/Hb or by adding smart antioxidant solutions. In the project, studies are done in various models, ranging from isolated fish erythrocytes up to whole fish by-products. The aim is to raise the value of seafood by-products so they can be recycled back into the food chain. The project will hereby contribute to a circular economy and increased potential for industrial symbiosis.

How has AOCS helped develop your career?

I attended my first AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo in May 2021. It’s an exciting experience! I greatly enjoyed the meeting, which included lots of top scientists and very excellent presentations in the field of lipid oxidation. It’s like I found a treasure, thus I decided to continue to stay in AOCS. It’s too bad that 2021 Annual Meeting needed to be an online meeting. 

For the 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting, I volunteered as the session chair in “Lipid Oxidation in Omega-3 Products and Stabilization Strategies.” I am also contributing three oral presentations. I hope to join the 2022 AOCS meeting in person. AOCS provides a great chance to present our studies and also broaden my scientific network.

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