Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Phospholipid Division virtual round table recap

The Phospholipid Division recently held a virtual round table to discuss Division business. In total, the meeting had 10 attendees from the USA and Canada. At the meeting, attendees considered the Division’s scope and its uniqueness as the only Division that has focused on one specific class of lipid, which explains why the Division is smaller than the others. There was conversation on developing and updating guidelines for the Phospholipid Division Best Paper Award.

Proposed topics for the 2021 Technical Program included Sustainable processing and fractionation for novel phospholipids; Polar lipids, including phospholipids; Novel phospholipid and Health: their role in chemoprevention; and New sources and applications of modified phospholipids.

Vice Chair Ozan Cifci will be finalizing the topics for the 2021 Technical program soon and is also looking for session chairs. Ernesto Hernandez, Chair, is also in need of a volunteer to serve as newsletter editor.

Finally, birthday celebrations were in order for Wendy and Toni Wang, happy birthday, birthday twins!

Ernesto Hernandez, Advanced Lipid Consultants, USA
To participate in annual meeting technical programming, contact:

Vice Chair
Ozan Ciftci, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

To engage in upcoming networking events, contact:
Swapnil Jadhav, Archer Daniels Midland Co., USA

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