Friday, March 12, 2021

The Edwin N. Frankel Award for Best Paper in Lipid Oxidation and Quality

The Edwin N. Frankel Award for Best Paper in Lipid Oxidation and Quality, Sponsored by Kalsec, recognizes an outstanding paper in the area of lipid oxidation or quality. This award is presented by the Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division in recognition of Edwin Frankel's 50 years of lipid oxidation research. 

We are delighted to announce the 2021 Award will be presented to lead author Paul Angers, Université Laval, Canada, for his paper on Formation Kinetics of Monomeric Cyclic Fatty Acid Methyl Esters of Alpha-Linolenic Acid: Effects of Mono cis/trans Isomers, published in the Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (JAOCS 97(6):615-624). 

Cyclic fatty acid monomers (CFAM) are formed at low levels in edible oils during thermal processing operations such as frying or refining, and inevitably become part of the diet. These proatherogenic agents may increase the levels of oxidative stress markers, and induce hepatomegaly and steatosis. In this paper Dr. Angers and his coauthors study the kinetics of CFAM formation from α‐linolenic acid (ALA) at high temperatures using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Their results indicate that mono‐trans isomers from ALA accelerate the formation of CFAM from heat‐treated ALA. Paradoxically the use of oils that are generally considered to be healthier leads to oxidation and thermal degradation products that are of concern - if the oils are used for frying. They also confirm a previous hypothesis that CFAM will likely form at an accelerated rate during high temperature processes of fats and vegetable oils high in trans fatty acids, such as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, compared to low/no trans regular oils. 

Co-authors with Dr. Angers on this papers are Amélie Desmarais, Université Laval, Canada;  Jean‐Louis Sébédio, Unité de Nutrition Humaine, INRA, France;  Khaled Belkacemi, Université Laval, Canada; and Joseph Arul, Université Laval, Canada. 

This spotlight will introduce you to our 2021 Edwin N. Frankel Award winner.

Can you tell us about current research?

My current main research projects are on the following two topics:  - Oxidized cyclic fatty acid monomers from polyunsaturated oils: their formation, structures and potential biological activities  - Development of green processes for the production and concentration of plant and marine biomass extracts, and evaluation of their anti-microbial and anti-biofilm potential

What was your reaction when you learned you had won the award?

I was surprised,  delighted and highly honored. Moreover since this paper was special to me because it was the last collaboration that I had with my dear friend and colleague, Prof. Khaled Belkacemi, before he was killed in the Mosque shooting of January 29th, 2017, in Quebec City.

How has AOCS helped develop your career?

AOCS has always been around in my career. I published my first paper on lipids in JAOCS, I regularly attend and have my graduate students attend AOCS meeting (Annual meeting, Canadian section meeting, etc.) for the quality of the presentation. My graduate student and I, we have learned a lot from those meeting and had the opportunity to discuss with many potential collaborators. In particular, I've had the opportunity to meet Dr. Jean-Louis Sébédio at the AOCS annual meeting, in  beautiful San Diego, in 2000. It was the start of a fruitful collaboration and a friendship.   Over the years, I published about half of my papers on fats and oil in AOCS journals.

Congratulations Dr. Angers

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