Friday, March 6, 2020

Introducing our newest AOCS members and thank you to our Member Refer-a-Friend participants!

At the end of February our new member (Active members) total reached 198 47% of our goal of 425. During this month, three Active members and four student members joined us thanks to our Member Refer-a-Friend program. Remember, this new initiative awards recruiters with a US $20 gift card for every referred new Active member that joins., When you recruit, make sure they list your name on the membership application to collect your reward.

We’re still looking for more referrers! We have ten members that will each receive a gift card in early April. Act now to get your name added to this list. Remember, recruiters can earn up to US $100 throughout the entire membership year. In addition, we will recognize all recruiters of Actives, students and Corporate Members online, as a way of saying THANK YOU!

Active Member Recruiters for Dues Year 2020, during February 2020

 Luis Espinoza, Project Manager, Technical Services, Ventura Foods, encouraged colleague Jacob Dupre, Food Technologist at Ventura Foods, to join. 

B.J. Bench, Senior Director of Food Safety & Quality Assurance at Tyson Foods invited Lili Towa, Laboratory Manager and Senior Application Specialist at Alpha MOS to become a member

Lingyun Chen, Associate Professor at the University of Alberta, encouraged Yixiang Wang, Assistant Professor at McGill University to join and attend the 2020 AOCS Annual Meeting.  

Student Member Recruiters for Dues Year 2020, during February 2020

Matthew Fhaner, University of Michigan, encouraged Abdur-Rahman Siddiqui to join.

Yixiang Wang, a new member from McGill University, invited two McGill University students to become members, Shutung Huang and Camelia Oliva.  

Michael Rogers, University of Guelph, encouraged student April Xu to become a member.

Who will be featured next month? Think of a colleague or research collaborator who would benefit from AOCS membership. Get more details online and do your part to help our Society grow!

Our newest members, found on this list that AOCS members can view, includes more than 50 individuals from ten countries.

Here are some highlights of this group:
  • Thirteen new students were welcomed into the Society, with the majority from Canada! Many of these new students joined as a result of a travel grant offered by the Canadian AOCS Section.
  • Some of our new members are from companies in Canada, including Sani Marc, Viterra, and Avmor Limited
  • Job functions include: R & D scientists/coordinators, chemists/lead chemists; Q & A Managers, product managers, chemical engineers, food technologists and market managers. 
  • 83% of the Actives are from industry; 17% from university and government
  • The new individuals from Corporate Member companies include: AAK, ADM, Ag Processing Inc., Artisan Inc., Bunge, Church & Dwight, Cargill, Kao Corporation, and Pompeian

Let’s continue to grow our Society! Read the full details on the new AOCS Refer-a-Friend program!

Have any questions or want to reach out to a new member? Say “Hi!” on inform|connect or plan to meet your fellow AOCS members at one of the networking events at the AOCS 2020 Annual Meeting.

Other questions? Please contact Janet Brown, Director of Membership,

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