Thursday, January 9, 2014

Food industry to fire preemptive GMO strike

Labeling of Foods that Contain Ingredients from Plants and Animals Produced through Modern Biotechnology - According to a January 7, 2014 Politico news story, the Grocery Manufacturers Association is "... looking for a federal solution to GMO labeling that would require the FDA to set up a voluntary labeling standard for foods that do not contain GMOs and determine the safety of GMO products ..." - Politico has obtained an early GMA discussion draft which would "... preclude states from adopting any laws that are not identical to the federal requirements and create a legal framework so that FDA can take a more active role in regulating GMO-labeling claims. Biotech food producers would have to notify the FDA about all new bioengineered foods four months before they could be marketed ... The draft further includes provisions that would allow a GMO-free claim to be made on dairy products from cows that consumed GMO feed and drugs developed by biotechnology, as well as foods that have been developed with a genetically engineered enzyme or processing aid, such as cheese and alcohol ... The plan also would require FDA to define the term 'natural' ..."

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* Source: January 7, 2014 Politico news story, titled "Food industry to fire preemptive GMO strike", posted at 

* The early-stage GMA discussion draft obtained by Politico is posted at

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